Dear ISEAns,

Dear ISEAns........At ISEA Singapore I presented an artist talk entitled " I am so off myFace: I used to be the oldest geek grrl in the world but I lost my geek and now I am just the oldest grrl in the world". In 2011 I will attempt to get my geek back. Resplendent in sash proclaiming my status as " Beauty in residence", I will attend events, rub shoulders and participate in the greatest gathering of geeks in the world. I will blog the results.

So if you see me across a crowded room, please HELP ME!!

love Di Ball


Thursday, September 15, 2011


One of my many "balls" is as an architect, not pratcicing for many years, but recently have been let loose ont he minds of youg people in first year at Griffith University Gold Coast, and also at QUT. So I wanted to include some knowledge and ideas relating to the built envoronment in my mission.

I attended a workshop facilitated by Sophie Witze and Lea Schick entitled Foaming Ecological Urbanism: How can art and architecture collaborate in rethinking Urban Ecological Living, Sophie and Lea are from Copenhagen.

We atarted by being introduced to the foam theory of Peter Sloterdijk whose premise is that we have isolated oursleves  in detached spheres or bobbles with no perception of a truly connected and global world.