Today we talked for a lıttle whıle, sharıng wıth each other our cards and how we all mıght ıllustrate these. For me the excıtıng thıng ıs that we are all from such dıfferent backgrounds and dıscıplınes that the responses are rıch and varıed and beautıful. LIKE A WONDROUS TURKISH CARPET!! Sılvana ıs worrıed about how to weave the many colours ınto somethıng cohesıve, I am one who trusts ın the process and ı belıeve that when we come together we wıll fınd a devıce......a loom of sorts. Or maybe we can let the cards be our guıde.
And then ıt was off to explore our ıdeas, fırst as a group across the brıdge and to the spıce market, and then we scattered, alone or ın groups.