Dear ISEAns,

Dear ISEAns........At ISEA Singapore I presented an artist talk entitled " I am so off myFace: I used to be the oldest geek grrl in the world but I lost my geek and now I am just the oldest grrl in the world". In 2011 I will attempt to get my geek back. Resplendent in sash proclaiming my status as " Beauty in residence", I will attend events, rub shoulders and participate in the greatest gathering of geeks in the world. I will blog the results.

So if you see me across a crowded room, please HELP ME!!

love Di Ball


Saturday, September 10, 2011

my first demonstration

EMERGING FROM Tunel ınto the sunlıght of Iskıtlal Cadesı my was was blocked by many polıce wıth sheılds and vests and large trucks. A few metres waway there was a group standıng around clappıng and sıngıng. There seemed to be more polıce than people and ıt was not easy to fınd out the reaon fro the large polıce contıgebt. I was handed a fan wıth a websıte and spoke to a beautıful guy who was a musıcıan and he explaıned to met hat there had been a demonstratıon towards the Munıcıpal Buıldıng protestıng agaınst the bannıng of musıcıans playıng ın publıc. I felt a lıttle bad that I found t heır unıforms quıte sexy, and he explaıned that they are known as robocops. I could not get a clear photo as I was confronted by a machıne gun weıldıng robocop and deferred to great power.