The first paper of the afternoon had dealt with photography in particlar, and then we moved to video. Monika illustrated her ideas of frontiers and boundaries with the works of Trinh T Minh-ha making particular reference to the writing of Homi Bhabha (
Nation and Narration). We watched night Passage which is an interpretation of Kenji Miyazawa's "Milky Way Railroad", which we had all read prior to the workshops.
Night Passage (2005) |
Night Passage is a digital film on friendship and death. Made in homage to Miyazawa Kenji's classic novel, Milky Way Railroad, the story evolves around the spiritual journey of a young woman, in the company of her best friend and a little boy, into a world of rich in-between realities. Their venture into and out of the land of "awakened dreams" occurs during a long ride on a night train. The filmmaker elegantly depicts each encounter in two-dimensional space with a unique artistic gesture and ingeniously frames the passage as a series of rhythmic image sequensces as seen through the window of a train.
Monika challenged me to think of notions of interpretation also, as there is a chasm between the literal and the metaphorical, and i wondered which way my own journey may go.